
Let's Make the Sugar For Beauty Caring!

Brownsugarexporter.com - For every women beauty care is obligatory. Ranging from routine maintenance and light weight are required to do every day as a moisturizer to expensive treatments are done in the salon. For those of you who like to save money, use the materials available at home for body treatments. Sugar can be used as a natural scrub and overcome a variety of skin problems.

One of the ingredients that you can take advantage of is sugar. Let's find out what are the benefits of sugar for the beauty of Boldsky quoted as saying:

Clean the dead skin cells

Sugar is one of the excellent natural ingredients used to clean the dead skin cells. You can mix the sugar with the water and honey as an ingredient leman effective scrub to remove dead skin cells.

Not only that this herb also helps rejuvenate skin apat by cleaning the dirt that clog the pores of the skin. Use this herb before bath at least twice a week.
smooth the skin

Brown sugar or brown sugar with granules also have benefits for the skin. Use brown sugar with olive oil as a body scrub. This herb is useful to make the skin smooth and supple. This herb contains vitamin E and omega 3 which can moisturize the skin and also removes impurities in pores.

Overcoming the problems of oily skin

An important benefit of sugar to control the oil balance of the skin is the skin. Sugar contains glycolic acid and alpha-hydroxy acid that helps regulate the natural oils that the skin does not dry or too oily. And make the skin a healthy glow.

Prevents premature aging

Sugar can also be used as a natural ingredient to prevent skin aging. Sugar scrubs are able to clean the skin and prevent toxins from damaging the outer skin cells. Perform regular sugar scrub can help slow the aging process and keep skin youthful. (BD)