
Health Benefits of Brown Sugar to the Body

Brownsugarexporter.com - Why do people living in rural and still follow ancient traditions have tended to remain healthier than those who live in the city? If your answer is because the stress level is higher in the city, may not be 100% correct. A study shows that the tradition of cooking and eating traditional food in the countryside turned out to give a great contribution to the health of the population in question.

The habit of cooking with brown sugar (or palm sugar, or brown sugar), coconut oil, coconut milk and other spices to give a positive contribution to the defense and improvement of health to consume. So if your home has always been using sugar to give a sweet taste to your food, it's good to start now to return to the traditions of our ancestors by using brown sugar for cooking.

Coconut sugar is sugar produced from the sap of palm trees drying. Palm sugar or brown sugar in the trade is called, brown sugar or sugar sap, usually sold in the form of half-cup or half-ellipse. Thus the resulting shape of molds used in the form of half a coconut shell (java: bathok). In addition, there is also a bamboo mold, so that the cylindrical shape is round.

To date palm sugar is still widely used, especially the Java community as a spice in cooking because it has a distinctive aroma and taste of caramel palm. In addition, coconut sugar is also used for sweetening beverages, soy sauce-making material, material for lunkhead, and cake makers and materials in food flavor enhancer. In addition to the coconut sugar and coconut shell half round cylindrical, others in the form of sugar ants.

The term sugar usually associated with any kind of sugar made from the sap that is fluid expelled from the flowers of the palm family trees, such as coconut, palm, and palm.

Here are some advantages in comparison with the brown sugar granulated sugar (cane sugar) or other sweeteners:

[1] It is sweet and has a delicious aroma of (the scent of sap).
[2] It contains minerals.
[3] The content of sugar (sucrose) is smaller.
[4] Containing Thiamine, Riboflavin, Nicotinic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, protein and vitamin C.
[5] For the treatment of asthma, anemia / anemia, leprosy / leprosy, and to accelerate the growth of the child.
[6] Good to relieve cough and fever.
[7] Good for initial food for people with typhus.
[8] Good for diet, reduce heat pancreas, strengthens the heart, helps the growth of the teeth so strong.
[9] Having properties such as honey.

So many benefits of palm sugar that is not owned by sugar or other sweeteners, it's good from now to replace sweetened drinks and your dishes with brown sugar. Enjoy the sweet taste of brown sugar every day for your health every day. Tube in your body over the beneficial compounds present in palm sugar (point number 4 above) so that you jesehatan maintained. Let's go back to our ancestral recipe, again using sugar as a component of the spice in cooking and as a sweetener when "coffee"!